Saturday, May 14, 2011

I'm not so anonymous as I tried to be

I read a lot of blogs...mostly all crafty ones.  But I started reading Hyperbole and a half and O.M.G. !!  (see what I did there...the period in between each letter means that I took my time saying Oh, My, God...It's more dramatic that me.)  The chick that writes that blog, Allie, is so stinkin' hilarious.  I read a couple of the newest posts then I went back all the way to the beginning and started reading in order from the very beginning. (that was a little redundant, wasn't it...oh, well.)  I started thinking about how awesome it is that she can just tell it how she likes it or doesn't like it as it were.  She's so awesome.  I want to be like her when I grow up!    

Anyway, back to how I'm not so anonymous.  I guess I'm not so smart as I thought.  I was setting up a new gmail account for the email address for this blog and I put my full name in the box where you are supposed to.  I should have just put something completely random, but there you so anonymous and not so smart.  Hey, at least the blog isn't named super scientist genius.  Then where would the credibility be?

So, look back often for more diatribes and delights, of me the not so anonymous blogger who is in love with hyperbole and a half.

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